{Nowhere, a story of exile} | Author Biography Headshots Westbrook Maine Photographer

I had the privilege of photographing, Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte, for her newly-released Kindle Edition book, Nowhere, a story of exile.  

I know Anna through her beautiful knitted creations.  Many of my photographs that are adorned with knitted hats are from her - Lovemook: Handknit for Babies.  I’ve also photographed her beautiful children for her family portraits.

This project has been in the works for many years, and feel so honored to be a part of it and capturing her beauty for her book.  Go and take a peek, and read her “heart-wrenching story told through a personal medium; through the diary entries of a young girl documenting the organized terror in Baku, her life as a refugee, and her struggle to find herself, all against the backdrop of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Anna gives a voice to a horrific tragedy little reported in the West, to the Armenian population of Azerbaijan and to the child victims of ethnic cleansing everywhere.” (quoted from the book description)

The printed version is now available for purchase at Amazon.